Friday, December 09, 2005

Software Escrow - As Collateral for investment sought

A software and Technology Escrow has several advantages and one of them is:

The Source code of the Escrowed material could be used as collateral in the scenario wherein a software vendor approaches a venture capitalist for capital to further develop his business.

The venture capitlist confidennce in the company increases, in that he has a right over the intellectual property of the company in case the company winds up. This will not be the core collateral or fulcrum on which the decision is taken but it could provide a very vital advantage, after all the future devlopments of software is being done with the money pumped in by the venture capitalist.

This is just one such unique situation, look out for others in future.

May i remind you that, should you need a software escrow or any information on a software escrow, kindly log onto or mail us at

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