Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Software Escrow - Stay Ahead

As an independent, neutral escrow agent, EscrowTech India provides escrow management services and the best physical protection of the source code at our state-of-the-art, maximum-security storage facilities. Our escrow agreement is simple, straightforward and easy to understand, significantly reducing your legal expenses. The source code is only released to licensed users under specific terms of the agreement.

Source code escrow offers more than just security and protection. A source code escrow enhances your product with many value-added benefits, all of which have the potential to translate into profits for your software business.

A source code escrow provides a cost-effective solution to your customer's basic concern: How will the software be supported if you go out of business? By escrowing the source code in advance, you can anticipate and answer a licensee's need for long-term software support and maintenance. Source code escrow will give you the edge on your competition by winning the trust and confidence of the customer.

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